Before You Begin

In order to program The Stick II you will need to make an outbound call on Line 1. You can only program The Stick II from a LINE 1 phone connected to The Stick II.


We suggest calling a friend who will take the call and stay on the line while you enter your programming sequences. The party should stay on the line during the entire programming procedure. Do not let them hang-up!


Before you begin programming there are a few "signals" you need to familiarize yourself with. When programming The Stick II you will hear audible tones coming from your handset. These beeps indicate whether you may "PROCEED", that you’ve made an "ERROR" or that you have entered the programming "OK".


OK - You will hear two tones -one high-pitched tone immediately followed by a mid-pitched tone, "Bee-Bip". This means that the numbers you have entered are acceptable and, within range for the Register Number and Program Range.


PROCEED - You will hear three high-pitched tones in rapid succession "Bee-Bee-Beep". The Stick II is ready for you to program a Register or receive more commands in the form of touch-tones.


ERROR - You will hear a single low-pitch tone. This indicates that you have entered a Program Range or program command that is invalid. For example: If you were trying to change the destination port for "Silent Transfer Destination LINE" and you entered the Register Number as ì5î, you would receive an "ERROR" beep. The register number is "05".



Once you have entered programming mode (explained on the next page), you will

need to be familiar with these instructions in order to insure your changes are saved and

that you have exited properly.


Save to Memory / Exit - After entering the programming for the features you wanted modified, you will need to save the changes to memory and exit the programming mode. The Stick II maintains the programming even if there is a loss of power.



No Save / Exit - You can cancel any programming you’ve done and exit the programming mode at any time.



Set Register to Factory Preset - This command sets all of the Registers back to the factory presets. See your Programming and Quick Reference Guide for the factory presets.