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Real Magic - Real Fun

Call: 217-337-0734


Miracles or Real Magic?

Professor Higgins has not only been a professor of computer science and graphic design but is also a master magician that will share the magic of love, joy and happiness through a show that is a delight for the senses and your sacred mind.

Master of Levitation
Prefessor Higgins has earned the title of "Master of Levitation" because that he reminds us how to defy gravity and all other limitations. Not only does he float objects but often brings the spectator on stage to do it themselves. Although sometimes we forget, we are the magic. Professor Higgins will never let us forget. We are unlimited and free.

Master of Happiness
Prefessor Higgins will invite you to laugh, smile and simply have a GREAT time. You can't help but join in his invitation. Who wouldn't want to roar with laughter? Who wouldn't want to have fun? Who wouldn't want happiness? Only a fool.

Thank goodness, we are not fools. He will fool you but he will never accept you or he is a fool!

Happiness is our only goal. That is heaven and that is where we are. He teaches only LOVE because that is what we all are. Don't worry be happy! Let's have FUN!


On Stage This Week