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DESCRIPTION The Versa-Link is an automatic call processor that routes calls based on CNG and DTMF tones. DIP switches located on the device let you easily change programming. The output jacks are labeled Device 1 and 2 (250 model) and 1, 2, and 3 (300 model) leaving the user free to use any combination of communication devices. A 6 port model is also available. Barge-in protection keeps your data transmissions free from interruption. A busy signal is heard when other devices attempt to use the outgoing line. BENEFITS & FEATURES
*Note: All prices include shipping and handling in the US and most of Canada. We reserve the right to charge up to the actual price of shipping on all orders outside the continental United States. All orders shipped UPS Ground unless specified. For air and express shipments, appropriate charges will be applied to your order. The Versa-Link
is made in the USA.