Is this your business?
Small Business Profile
- Office Voice Communications
- Key System Unit (KSU) or Small PBX
- Desk phones
(10 in our example below)
- FAX Machine
- Dial-up Modem for POS
- Standard phone lines from the service provider (7 in our example)
- Tough economy, need to reduce costs
- Telecom solutions need to
- be dependable
- be Plug and Play
- be affordable
- have Fast ROI
The Stick will meet your needs!
- You can significantly reduce your phone line costs every year
($1800 per year in our example below)
- ROI is < 60 days
- Dependable -99.99 reliability
- Plug & Play
- Easy to install
- Integrateseasily to your existing
- Compatible with your telecom equipment
- Feature Rich
- Security Access Codes (user defined)
- Excellent Support, Free Tech Support
- Proven experience:
- More than 600,000 devices installed
- More than 22 years of service