Year Warranty
Offering two models that, in addition to functionality
similar to The Stick (voice/fax/modem
call processor), can process selective ring detection,
DIP switch programmability, phone line surge protection,
and an internal busy signal.
Multi-Link Versa-Link ATX-250 Call Processor (AC
or DC power) Allows two devices to share one phone line.
Uses DTMF, CNG or Distinctive Ring Service to automatically
route incoming calls to proper devices. Also capable of
DTMF manual routing. El iminates one dedicated phone line.
ATX-250 (Two Devices)
Your Price only $196.00 Delivered*
Multi-Link Versa-Link ATX-300 Call Processor (AC
or DC power) Allows up to three devices share one incoming
phone line. Uses CNG or DTMF to automatically route to
proper devices. Also uses DTMF to manually route calls.
Eliminates up to two dedicated phone lines.
ATX-300 (Three Devices)
Your Price only $299.00 Delivered*
Multi-Link Versa-Link ATX-300/6 Call Processor
(AC or DC power) Allows up to six devices share one incoming
phone line. Uses CNG or DTMF to automatically route to
proper devices. Also uses DTMF to manually route calls.
Eliminates up to five dedicated phone lines.
ATX-300/6 (Six Devices)
Your Price only $479.00 Delivered*